Interface FwFace

A socket or network interface associated with logical forwarder.

interface FwFace {
    addAnnouncement: (announcement: PrefixAnnouncement) => void;
    addRoute: (name: NameLike, announcement?: FwFace.RouteAnnouncement) => void;
    attributes: FwFace.Attributes;
    close: () => void;
    fw: Forwarder;
    hasRoute: (name: NameLike) => boolean;
    removeAnnouncement: (announcement: PrefixAnnouncement) => void;
    removeRoute: (
        name: NameLike,
        announcement?: FwFace.RouteAnnouncement,
    ) => void;
    running: boolean;
    toString: () => string;


  • TypedEventTarget<EventMap>
    • FwFace


addAnnouncement: (announcement: PrefixAnnouncement) => void

Add a prefix announcement associated with the face.

The announcement is passed to ReadvertiseDestinations (e.g. NFD prefix registration client) on the logical forwarder, so that remote forwarders would send Interests matching the prefix to the local logical forwarder.

Multiple FwFaces could make the same announcement. When the last FwFace making an announcement is closed, the announcement is withdrawn from ReadvertiseDestinations.

This function has no effect if FwFace.Attributes.advertiseFrom is set to false.

addRoute: (name: NameLike, announcement?: FwFace.RouteAnnouncement) => void

Add a route toward the face.

Type declaration

When the logical forwarder receives an Interest matching name, it may forward the Interest to this face. Unless announcement is set to false, this also invokes addAnnouncement to readvertise the name prefix to remote forwarders.

attributes: FwFace.Attributes
close: () => void

Shutdown the face.

hasRoute: (name: NameLike) => boolean

Determine if a route is present on the face.

removeAnnouncement: (announcement: PrefixAnnouncement) => void

Remove a prefix announcement associated with the face.

removeRoute: (name: NameLike, announcement?: FwFace.RouteAnnouncement) => void

Remove a route toward the face.

running: boolean
toString: () => string

Returns a string representation of an object.