A logical face with separate RX and TX packet streams.

interface RxTx {
    addEventListener?: <K extends "up" | "down">(
        type: K,
        listener: (ev: RxTxEventMap[K]) => any,
        options?: AddEventListenerOptions,
    ) => void;
    attributes?: FwFace.Attributes;
    removeEventListener?: <K extends "up" | "down">(
        type: K,
        listener: (ev: RxTxEventMap[K]) => any,
        options?: EventListenerOptions,
    ) => void;
    rx: AsyncIterable<FwPacket>;
    tx: (iterable: AsyncIterable<FwPacket>) => void;

Hierarchy (View Summary)

Implemented by


addEventListener?: <K extends "up" | "down">(
    type: K,
    listener: (ev: RxTxEventMap[K]) => any,
    options?: AddEventListenerOptions,
) => void
attributes?: FwFace.Attributes
removeEventListener?: <K extends "up" | "down">(
    type: K,
    listener: (ev: RxTxEventMap[K]) => any,
    options?: EventListenerOptions,
) => void
rx: AsyncIterable<FwPacket>

RX packet stream received by the logical forwarder.

tx: (iterable: AsyncIterable<FwPacket>) => void

Function to accept TX packet stream sent by the logical forwarder.