Interface Forwarder

Logical forwarder.

interface Forwarder {
    addFace: (
        face: RxTx | RxTxDuplex,
        attributes?: FwFace.Attributes,
    ) => FwFace;
    close: () => void;
    faces: ReadonlySet<FwFace>;
    nodeNames: Name[];


  • TypedEventTarget<EventMap>
    • Forwarder


addFace: (face: RxTx | RxTxDuplex, attributes?: FwFace.Attributes) => FwFace

Add a logical face to the logical forwarder.

close: () => void

Cancel timers and other I/O resources. This instance should not be used after this operation.

faces: ReadonlySet<FwFace>

Logical faces.

nodeNames: Name[]

Node names, used in forwarding hint processing.