Options to construct NEW request packet.

interface Options {
    algoList?: readonly SigningAlgorithm[];
    ecdhPub: CryptoKey;
    privateKey: NamedSigner.PrivateKey;
    profile: CaProfile;
    publicKey: NamedVerifier.PublicKey;
    signedInterestPolicy: SignedInterestPolicy;
    validity?: ValidityPeriod;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


algoList?: readonly SigningAlgorithm[]

List of recognized algorithms for certificate request.


ecdhPub: CryptoKey

Client ECDH public key.

Certificate request private key.

profile: CaProfile

CA profile packet.

Certificate request public key.

signedInterestPolicy: SignedInterestPolicy

Signed Interest validation policy.

validity?: ValidityPeriod

Desired ValidityPeriod.

This will be truncated to maximum validity permitted by the CA profile.