interface Options {
    cpOpts?: ConsumerOptions & ProducerOptions;
    notifyInterestLifetime?: number;
    pubAnnouncement?: false | Name;
    pubFwHint?: Name;
    pubPrefix?: Name;
    pubSigner?: Signer;

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)


Consumer and producer options.

  • .fw may be specified.
  • Most other fields are overridden.
notifyInterestLifetime?: number

InterestLifetime of notify Interests.

pubAnnouncement?: false | Name

Prefix announcement to receive msg Interests.

.pubFwHint ?? .pubPrefix

pubFwHint?: Name

Forwarding hint of the local application.

pubPrefix?: Name

Name prefix of the local application.

"/localhost" + random-suffix

pubSigner?: Signer

Key to sign publications.


This key should be trusted to sign objects under pubPrefix. This may overridden on a per-publication basis by PublicationCallback returning Data.