Module @ndn/pyrepo


This package is part of NDNts, Named Data Networking libraries for the modern web.

This package allows inserting and deleting Data in ndn-python-repo. This implementation is compatible with ndn-python-repo dafd23dc (2024-02-13). To install and start the specified version, run:

# create Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv pyrepo-venv
cd pyrepo-venv
source ./bin/activate

# install ndn-python-repo
pip install git+

# run ndn-python-repo
export NDN_CLIENT_TRANSPORT=unix:///run/nfd/nfd.sock

PyRepoClient type is a client for ndn-python-repo protocol. PyRepoStore type implements a write-only subset of DataStore interfaces as defined in @ndn/repo-api package.

import { PyRepoStore } from "@ndn/pyrepo";

import { Forwarder } from "@ndn/fw";
import { L3Face } from "@ndn/l3face";
import { enableNfdPrefixReg } from "@ndn/nfdmgmt";
import { UnixTransport } from "@ndn/node-transport";
import { Data, digestSigning, Name } from "@ndn/packet";
import { Closer } from "@ndn/util";

const repoPrefix = process.env.DEMO_PYREPO_PREFIX;
if (!repoPrefix) {
To run @ndn/pyrepo demo, set the following environment variables:
DEMO_PYREPO_PREFIX= command prefix of ndn-python-repo
const dataPrefix = new Name(`/NDNts-pyrepo/${Math.trunc(Math.random() * 1e8)}`);

const face = await UnixTransport.createFace({}, process.env.DEMO_NFD_UNIX ?? "/run/nfd/nfd.sock");
await using faceDispose = Closer.asAsyncDisposable(face);

await using store = new PyRepoStore({
repoPrefix: new Name(repoPrefix),

const packets = await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 100 }, async (v, i) => {
const data = new Data(dataPrefix.append(`${i}`));
await digestSigning.sign(data);
return data;
console.log(`Inserting ${packets.length} packets under ${dataPrefix} in ${repoPrefix}`);
await store.insert(...packets);

const names = packets.filter((v, i) => i % 3 === 0).map(({ name }) => name);
console.log(`Deleting ${names.length} packets under ${dataPrefix} in ${repoPrefix}`);
await store.delete(...names);


