interface Attributes {
    advertiseFrom?: boolean;
    describe?: string;
    local?: boolean;
    multicast?: boolean;
    [k: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [k: string]: unknown


advertiseFrom?: boolean

Whether to readvertise registered routes.

false. This default is set in CreateFaceFunc but could be different elsewhere.

This attribute is passed to @ndn/fw!FwFace.Attributes.advertiseFrom. With the default false value, routes "announced" by an L3Face would not be readvertised to @ndn/fw!ReadvertiseDestinations, so that the local logical forwarder would not forward Interests between L3Faces connected to different remote forwarders.

describe?: string

Textual description.

Automatically generated from constructor name.

local?: boolean

Whether the transport connects to a destination on the local machine.


multicast?: boolean

Whether the transport can possibly talk to multiple peers.
