Options to construct CHALLENGE response packet.

interface Options {
    challengeStatus?: string;
    fwHint?: FwHint;
    issuedCertName?: Name;
    parameters?: ParameterKV;
    profile: CaProfile;
    remainingTime?: number;
    remainingTries?: number;
    request: ChallengeRequest;
    sessionEncrypter: LLEncrypt.Key;
    sessionLocalDecrypter: LLDecrypt.Key;
    signer: Signer;
    status: Status;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


challengeStatus?: string

Challenge specific status string.

fwHint?: FwHint

Forwarding hint needed for retrieving issued certificate.

issuedCertName?: Name

Issued certificate name.

This should end with an implicit digest component.

parameters?: ParameterKV

Challenge parameter key-value pairs.

profile: CaProfile

CA profile packet.

remainingTime?: number

Remaining time to complete challenge, in milliseconds.

remainingTries?: number

Number of remaining tries to complete challenge.

CHALLENGE request packet.

sessionEncrypter: LLEncrypt.Key

Request session encrypter.

sessionLocalDecrypter: LLDecrypt.Key

Request session local decrypter.

signer: Signer

Signing key correspond to CA certificate.

status: Status

Request session status.