interface Options {
    algoList?: readonly SigningAlgorithm<any, any, any>[];
    cacheCleanupInterval?: number;
    cOpts?: ConsumerOptions;
    interestLifetime?: number;
    keyChain?: KeyChain;
    negativeTtl?: number;
    offline?: boolean;
    owner?: object;
    positiveTtl?: number;
    schema: TrustSchema;


  • Except<PolicyVerifier.Options, "trustAnchors">
    • Options


algoList?: readonly SigningAlgorithm<any, any, any>[]

List of recognized algorithms in certificates.


cacheCleanupInterval?: number

Cache cleanup interval, in milliseconds.

5 minutes

This determines how often expired cache entries are deleted.

Consumer options.

  • .describe defaults to "CertFetcher".
interestLifetime?: number

InterestLifetime for certificate retrieval.

If specified, .cOpts.modifyInterest is overridden.

keyChain?: KeyChain

Local KeyChain.

negativeTtl?: number

Cache lifetime for unsuccessful retrieval, in milliseconds.

10 seconds

During this period, report the certificate as un-retrievable instead of re-fetching.

offline?: boolean

If true, disable CertFetcher.

owner?: object

Cache instance owner as WeakMap key.

.cOpts.fw ?? Forwarder.getDefault()

CertFetchers with the same .owner share the same cache instance. Cache options are determined when it's first created.

positiveTtl?: number

Cache lifetime for successful retrieval, in milliseconds.

1 hour

During this period, return the same certificate instead of re-fetching.

schema: TrustSchema

The trust schema.